100K Factory Revolution Review

The Creators Of 100K Factory – Aidan Booth And Steve Clayton

Have you been dreaming about making huge passive income with your online business? If you haven’t been taking enough action, then your dream will remain just that—a dream. The good news is that it isn’t the end of the world for you. With the right internet marketing program, you can certainly inch closer toward your goal and make more money than you ever thought you would. But given the sheer volume of online courses that all promise to bring you internet marketing riches, how can you select what to use?

Knowledge Business Blueprint Review

100K Factory proves to be an excellent starting point. This program revolves around the idea of drop shipping products directly to consumers and making a commission on every sale. You don’t even have to deal with inventory. The products go from China to the buyers. Yes, it’s that simple!

If you haven’t heard of 100K Factory before, then you might be a little skeptical about the program. This is completely natural. But for starters, two versions have been released so far. This is a testament to how great the product truly is. And the most exciting news is that a third iteration is coming up in February 2017 called 100K Factory Revolution. But before signing up, you may want to know a few things about the brains behind the program: Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton.

Who Is Aidan Booth?

Do you want to follow a veteran in the affiliate marketing game? Then Aidan Booth is your man. His first venture in online marketing started 13 years ago, and it truly is an interesting story. Aidan grew up in New Zealand. In 2003, he met his wife, Carolina, in Lake Tahoe. She lived in Argentina, so Aidan decided to go there shortly after they met.

Since Aidan didn’t have a clue how to speak Spanish and only held a tourist visa, it was impossible for him to land any job from any company. This prompted him to look for online work. Little did he know that this would change his entire perspective about making money as it opened up a lot of opportunities for him.

First Site Creation

In 2005, Aidan set up his first website. Although he didn’t know anything about creating fancy websites, he chose to do it anyway. While the income generated by his first site wasn’t anything to write home about, Aidan fondly recalled that it was enough to let him eat meals in some of the best steakhouses in Buenos Aires.

Just a year later, Aidan learned the ropes of the internet marketing world. Equipped with more knowledge, he began creating multiple affiliate websites. His traffic generation method of choice was paid search. The sales were pretty good, and he would get $30-commissions every now and then which he explained were like gold.

After finding success in affiliate marketing, he went on to create more eCommerce sites. He also began leveraging organic traffic through the use of search engine optimization. Aidan also looked into other paid traffic sources to drive more targeted customers to his niche websites.

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Best Keyword Research Tactics – Tips that will Skyrocket Your Website’s Rankings

Keyword research can be likened to market research for online businesses.’ During the business planning process, a market research is conducted to gather relevant and important information related to one’s market; which reveals a report about the prospect consumers of the market. In online businesses, a keyword research is conducted for the same purpose.
Search engines have algorithms that define how the search engine will rank the websites/blogs according to the keywords contained in them. Therefore, only relevant keywords must be used carefully in the content.

Whether you already own an online business, or are planning to start one; this article will teach you all the tips you need to enhance your keywords to such a superior level, that your rankings and conversion rates increase substantially. Attempt has been made herein: to leave no stone unturned in providing you with the best keyword research tactics that will shoot up the sales of your online business.

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