Fan Page Domination Review – is Anthony Morrison’s FPD The Real Deal?

Fan Page Domination is a new product hitting the internet marketing space. So, what is the Fan Page Domination program all about? Is the program a scam or a legit way to earn revenues online? Is it worth it to join or should you skip this one and look for other programs instead? Well, this review will focus on answering these questions, and everything else you need to know about the program. Let’s go!

  • What You Will Learn in the Fan Page Domination Program
  • How to setup a Facebook account that can make you money
  • How you can grow your email list for maximum effectiveness
  • How you can create viral content consistently
  • How you can leverage these efforts and start earning money

Sounds too good to be true? Fact is, Anthony Morrison claims he is a good example on how this course can work. Instead of just giving us empty promises behind a fake name, he has actually put his real name and face out there. Here’s is a brief background story.

About the Anthony Morrison

Antony Morrison, the author of the program, is one of the biggest names when it comes to making money online. He has time and again been able to deliver massive success online, thanks to his entrepreneurial and forward thinking skills. Fan Page Domination is his latest offering.

Anthony started his first online business while still in college, and then he had no desire or experience to start an online business. When his family lost a fortune in the stock market, Anthony watched as his family was in the brink of losing their entire life savings, their home, and almost everything they had worked for.

This forced him to spring into action and build his first online business. Within a few years, his businesses were earning over two million dollars annually, and the financial fortunes of his family completely turned around. He went on to create over 10 successful online businesses, author 3 great books on internet marketing, and even talk to over 250,000 people worldwide on how to build successful email marketing businesses.

Currently, Anthony generates over $200,000 monthly, sending simple emails and he has essentially made it his mission to teach others how they can make money online, how he’s doing it, and how they can acquire the same tools that the top marketers utilize for their businesses. The emergence of Facebook presented many opportunities for online marketers, and Anthony prides himself as “ahead of the curve” perhaps due to his ability on leveraging FB to build businesses.

Is Fan Page Domination Trustworthy?

His transparency is one of the reasons the Fan Page Domination course is trustworthy. With the techniques he teaches, he has been able to generate a good enough passive income. Isn’t this an incredible deal?

The Facebook fan page Anthony set up has close to half a million followers, and it’s getting new members every day. Besides these, there are a million more people who access his content through shares and reposts across the platform. Such an incredible outreach has grown him an impressive mailing list.

The number on the email sign-up sheet highlights that over 200,000 subscribers receive his emails each time he sends one out. Can you imagine having such kind of marketing power to yourself? Fortunately, his program is meant to help you achieve just that.

The Fan Page Domination program takes you through every step of the process to help you achieve the same results. All you need to do is absolute commitment to follow through with everything he’ll explain to you once you start the course. You don’t need to use paid ads on the site to achieve such a level of success.

Most people still believe that achieving success with Facebook marketing requires you to pay for ads. Nonetheless, if you are able to create the right type of content that can go viral; you don’t have to spend your money on ads. Going viral is the key to success, not necessarily spending money to make money.

For those that are reluctant about the program, it’s completely understandable. You might argue that since Anthony was already a successful online marketer, he had built a huge email list for himself already. Though this is quite true, keep in mind that the fan page was created to show exactly how the program works, and it had nothing to do with his previous efforts. His success in his previous internet marketing ventures is impressive, but it has nothing to do with the success of Fan Page Domination.

What’s Included in the Course?

The Fan Page Domination program has four distinct phases. While going through the program, you will continually learn more about the system, and you need to establish your skills at each level before going on to the next.

Phase 1: Getting Started
Here, you will learn how to set up the entire system. Anthony will teach you everything you need to know to get you started on your new Fan Page. It’s important to pay close attention to every tip and trick he says in this section.

At all costs, refrain from cutting any corners on your time investment especially at this point. Failure to set up the account correctly might make you miss some elements that make the system effective. Since you will be exploiting a loophole in the way Facebook operates, missing a step could throw the entire system off balance.

Phase 2: Building and Growing your Fan Page
Your posts are meant to deliver viral content. If you don’t get people sharing your content, you won’t generate the amount of sales you’re looking for once you monetize the system. During this phase, you get individual familiar with your account excited to see your posts. Nonetheless, before you begin marketing to them, you need to show them that you are offering something with significant value in their lives. Else, they’ll unfollow or unsubscribe before you even make it to the top.

Phase 3: Scale and Launch
At this level of the program, you will learn everything you need to know about Facebook Live a very powerful Facebook feature. Anthony will teach you how you can use this tool to receive thousands of viewers who watch your video simultaneously. He actually reveals several statistics that proves he once had up to 300,000 viewers watching his videos simultaneously.

Phase 4: Monetizing your Account and Making Profits
This is ideally the culmination of the training course. You will now learn about all the tips and tricks to generate a reliable and steady flow of revenues from your email list, fan page, and thank you page. You also learn about setting up contests with attractive prizes, and their power. One good example of a contest is the one he set up on his travel page with a prize that gave the winner a free travel ticket.

As you will find out, this technique is very powerful in your marketing efforts, and you will find out how you can set one up for your business, regardless of whether it’s a restaurant, a salon, or a purely online venture. Additionally, you will find out how you can monetize your thank you page once your subscribers have opted in. he explains that this can be done with Google Ads or other techniques.

Pros of Fan Page Domination

The main advantages of taking this course include:

1. Eight video case studies: the author shares documented case studies of over 232,000 live Facebook viewers using his fan page during a launch. The case studies document every step of the way and go a long way showing you how to actualize what you’ve learnt

2. Fan Explosion Software: when you purchase the course, you will receive this free software, which was created by Anthony’s friend. It’s an easy-to-use Google Chrome extension that offers a quick way to invite people to your pages

3. Live workshops: in a series of seven weekly webinars, you will be live with Anthony to learn more Fan Page Domination strategies, and get an opportunity to access his Q&A section

4. Fan page setup “Done For You”: this is a new feature that’s pretty cool. You can have their team set up your first Facebook page for you; all you need is to provide them with the information they need and expect your page within 2 to 3 business days

5. Besides covering how you can generate top-notch content for your page, the course teaches you how to overcome fear, so that you can maximize Facebook Live to attract thousands of viewers to watch your videos at the same time

1. The program involves a lot of work and dedication from you to make money. However, this is not hard at all, since creating a Facebook page requires about 10 to 20 minutes of your time even if you have never done it before.

2. The Fan Page Domination course costs $2,000, which can be too much of an investment for some people. However, if you have this amount lying around, the program is worth the money

Final Word

This program is a great place to start for someone who wants to build a successful online business, or expand an existing one. The initial investment is quite one the higher side, but it’s worth it considering the knowledge and hands-on guidance you get along the way.

The program has the potential to help you create a massive fan base on Facebook if you are ready to put in the work. You can also use it to build an extensive email list and generate steady revenue from your online venture. Sign up, and see your business shine!

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